Flexible Ticketing
All tickets for Celebrating Bletchley Park are available now through our reputable on-line ticket provider OxBoffice.com, and also directly by post from the organisers of the event.
Additionally, Lewes Tourist Information Centre can sell you any ticket, including the deeply-discounted package deals. Just walk in: it’s at the top of School Hill.
Please read below for all ticketing options. You can click here to read how to pay by cheque.
The simplest ticket, and the most entertaining, is THE FULL BLETCHLEY, for all the weekend events. However, our tickets are flexible. There are many options, which you can buy and read about on our ticketing website. But, overall, please consider the following paths:
Ticket Types
- This is for absolutely everything; all the talks, and the party and discussion on Saturday night. This is priced at £128. There is also a BLETCHLEY LIGHT, that does not involve the Saturday night party.
- This ticket is an all-day ticket for Saturday, including five lectures and the evening panel discussion. Saturday’s tickets cost £76.50. Our ticketing website also has options for the full five lectures, but without the evening discussion. There is also a ticket for the discussion and party alone.
- This is Sunday’s all-day ticket, for all four talks and discussions. These tickets are £49.
- This is the on-site fully-catered lunch option, for one or both days. These are priced at £12.95 per lunchtime.
- For a single talk, the ticket price is £15 after January 31st 2016. This always includes the full question-and-answer session following the presentation.
The most efficient way to guarantee attending Celebrating Bletchley Park is to purchase tickets through the on-line ticketing shop. However, if you choose to obtain tickets by post and pay by cheque, such tickets will be rather collectible souvenirs because of their design.